Guidance on the management of transplant recipients diagnosed with or suspected of having COVID19

This is a consensus opinion of a group of transplant professionals. The guidance is based on the sparse information available on transplant recipients in the literature and should be used in conjunction with local or national guidance. We understand that individual patients may need a bespoke plan but this is a general guideline which may help others when managing transplant recipients with, or suspected of having, COVID 19. All unwell transplant recipients should be discussed with their usual unit. This guidance does not cover cardiothoracic or small bowel transplant recipients. At the time of writing, there are no randomised controlled trials of additional therapy that show any benefit above standard supportive care.
Organ: Various; Kidney; Liver; Lung; Heart; Pancreas; Intestine; Simultaneous Kidney/Pancreas; Heart/Lung
Language: English
Country: United Kingdom
MeSH terms: Liver Transplantation; Kidney Transplantation; Lung Transplantation; Heart Transplantation; Pancreas Transplantation; Heart-Lung Transplantation