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  • Lentine KL
  • Pastan S
  • Mohan S
  • Reese PP
  • Leichtman A
  • et al.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2021 Sep;78(3):319-332 doi: 10.1053/j.ajkd.2021.05.007.

Over the past 65 years, kidney transplantation has evolved into the optimal treatment for patients with kidney failure, dramatically reducing suffering through improved survival and quality of life. However, access to transplant is still limited by organ supply, opportunities for transplant are inequitably distributed, and lifelong transplant survival remains elusive. To address these persistent needs, the National Kidney Foundation convened an expert panel to define an agenda for future research. The key priorities identified by the panel center on the needs to develop and evaluate strategies to expand living donation, improve waitlist management and transplant readiness, maximize use of available deceased donor organs, and extend allograft longevity. Strategies targeting the critical goal of decreasing organ discard that warrant research investment include educating patients and clinicians about potential benefits of accepting nonstandard organs, use of novel organ assessment technologies and real-time decision support, and approaches to preserve and resuscitate allografts before implantation. The development of personalized strategies to reduce the burden of lifelong immunosuppression and support "one transplant for life" was also identified as a vital priority. The panel noted the specific goal of improving transplant access and graft survival for children with kidney failure. This ambitious agenda will focus research investment to promote greater equity and efficiency in access to transplantation, and help sustain long-term benefits of the gift of life for more patients in need.

  • Ong JQL
  • Lim LJH
  • Ho RCM
  • Ho CSH
Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2021 May-Jun;70:51-75 doi: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2021.03.002.

With increasing demands for living organ donations, understanding the prevalence of depression and anxiety, which are the commonest psychiatric disorders in donors following organ transplantation, will serve to improve psychiatric care to safeguard donors' mental wellbeing. This descriptive systematic review examines all observational studies in English investigating prevalence of depression and anxiety in adult transplant donors using bibliographic databases. Sixty-two papers were included (kidney, n = 25; liver, n = 25; bone marrow, n = 7; uterus, n = 2; lung, n = 1; kidney and lung concurrently, n = 2). Post-transplantation depression and anxiety prevalence rates (Depression: 0-46.9%, Anxiety: 0-66.7%) did not differ significantly from pre-transplantation and were largely comparable to the general population. Other psychiatric disorders observed included bipolar disorder, conversion disorder, adjustment disorder and sleep disorder. Other psychological outcomes observed included lower quality of life, lower satisfaction of life and regret after donation. Pre-donation risk factors such as poor physical/psychological health status, and post-donation risk factors such as complicated post-surgical recovery and poor physical/psychological health in recipients were identified, predisposing donors to poor psychological outcomes. Individuals with risk factors should be monitored and provided with social support, psychoeducation, psychotherapy and long-term follow up. Future studies should adopt consistent methodological approaches to improve comparability between various studies. More research investigating poor psychological outcomes in other organ donors besides kidney and liver donors, donors who have past psychiatric history, unrelated and parent donors is warranted.

  • Lam NN
  • Dipchand C
  • Fortin MC
  • Foster BJ
  • Ghanekar A
  • et al.
Can J Kidney Health Dis. 2020 Jun 9;7:2054358120918457 doi: 10.1177/2054358120918457.

To review an international guideline on the evaluation and care of living kidney donors and provide a commentary on the applicability of the recommendations to the Canadian donor population.


We reviewed the 2017 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline on the Evaluation and Care of Living Kidney Donors and compared this guideline to the Canadian 2014 Kidney Paired Donation (KPD) Protocol for Participating Donors.


A working group was formed consisting of members from the Canadian Society of Transplantation and the Canadian Society of Nephrology. Members were selected to have representation from across Canada and in various subspecialties related to living kidney donation, including nephrology, surgery, transplantation, pediatrics, and ethics.


Many of the KDIGO Guideline recommendations align with the KPD Protocol recommendations. Canadian researchers have contributed to much of the evidence on donor evaluation and outcomes used to support the KDIGO Guideline recommendations.


Certain outcomes and risk assessment tools have yet to be validated in the Canadian donor population.


Living kidney donors should be counseled on the risks of postdonation outcomes given recent evidence, understanding the limitations of the literature with respect to its generalizability to the Canadian donor population.

  • Brockmann JG
  • Broering DC
  • Raza SM
  • Rasheed W
  • Hashmi SK
  • et al.
Bone Marrow Transplant. 2019 Feb;54(2):190-203 doi: 10.1038/s41409-018-0255-9.

Solid organ transplantation (SOT) following haematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT) is a rare event. Uncertainty exists whether such recipients are at higher risk of relapse of underlying haematological disease or at increased risk of developing infectious or immunological complications and malignancies following SOT. The experience at our referral organ transplantation center and the present literature of SOT (n = 198) in recipients following previous HCT was systematically reviewed. Outcome analysis of 206 SOT recipients following HCT challenges the validity of the frequently stated comparable outcome with recipients without prior HCT. SOT recipients after HCT are younger and have a higher mortality and morbidity in comparison with "standard" recipients. Rejection rates for SOT recipients following HCT appear to be lower for all organs, except for liver transplantation. In the setting of liver transplantation following HCT, mortality for recipients of deceased donor grafts appears to be exceptionally high, although experience with grafts of living donors are favourable. Morbidity was mostly associated with infectious and malignant complications. Of note some SOT recipients who received solid organ donation from the same HCT donor were able to achieve successful withdrawal of immune suppression. Despite limited follow-up, recipients with prior HCT show a different course after SOT, necessitating attention and closer follow-up.

  • Lentine KL
  • Kasiske BL
  • Levey AS
  • Adams PL
  • Alberú J
  • et al.
Transplantation. 2017 Aug;101(8S Suppl 1):S1-S109 doi: 10.1097/TP.0000000000001769.

The 2017 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline on the Evaluation and Care of Living Kidney Donors is intended to assist medical professionals who evaluate living kidney donor candidates and provide care before, during and after donation. The guideline development process followed the Grades of Recommendation Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) approach and guideline recommendations are based on systematic reviews of relevant studies that included critical appraisal of the quality of the evidence and the strength of recommendations. However, many recommendations, for which there was no evidence or no systematic search for evidence was undertaken by the Evidence Review Team, were issued as ungraded expert opinion recommendations. The guideline work group concluded that a comprehensive approach to risk assessment should replace decisions based on assessments of single risk factors in isolation. Original data analyses were undertaken to produce a "proof-in-concept" risk-prediction model for kidney failure to support a framework for quantitative risk assessment in the donor candidate evaluation and defensible shared decision making. This framework is grounded in the simultaneous consideration of each candidate's profile of demographic and health characteristics. The processes and framework for the donor candidate evaluation are presented, along with recommendations for optimal care before, during, and after donation. Limitations of the evidence are discussed, especially regarding the lack of definitive prospective studies and clinical outcome trials. Suggestions for future research, including the need for continued refinement of long-term risk prediction and novel approaches to estimating donation-attributable risks, are also provided.In citing this document, the following format should be used: Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Living Kidney Donor Work Group. KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline on the Evaluation and Care of Living Kidney Donors. Transplantation. 2017;101(Suppl 8S):S1-S109.

  • Rudow DL
  • Swartz K
  • Phillips C
  • Hollenberger J
  • Smith T
  • et al.
J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2015 Sep;22(2-3):136-49 doi: 10.1007/s10880-015-9426-7.

Solid organ transplantation as a treatment for end stage organ failure has been an accepted treatment option for decades. Despite advances in medicine and technology, and increased awareness of organ donation and transplantation, the gap between supply and demand continues to widen. Living donation has been an option that has increased the number of transplants despite the continued shortage of deceased organs. In the early 2000s live donor transplantation reached an all-time high in the United States. As a result, a consensus meeting was convened in 2000 to increase the oversight of living donor transplantation. Both the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the United Network for Organ Sharing developed regulations that transplant programs performing live donor transplantation. These regulations and guidelines involve the education, evaluation, informed consent process and living donor follow-up care. Two areas in which had significant changes included the psychosocial and the independent living donor advocate (ILDA) evaluation. The purpose of this paper was to outline the current regulations and guidelines associated with the psychosocial and ILDA evaluation as well as provide further recommendations for the administration of a high quality evaluation of living donors. The goals and timing of the evaluation and education of donors; qualifications of the health care providers performing the evaluation; components of the evaluation; education provided to donors; documentation of the evaluation; participation in the selection committee meeting; post-decline and post-donation care of donors is described. Caveats including the paired donor exchange programs and non-directed and directed donation are also considered.

  • Thys K
  • Schwering KL
  • Siebelink M
  • Dobbels F
  • Borry P
  • et al.
Transpl Int. 2015 Mar;28(3):270-80 doi: 10.1111/tri.12481.

Living-donor kidney and liver transplantation intend to improve pediatric recipients' psychosocial well-being, but psychosocial impact in recipients strongly depends upon the impact on the donor and the quality of family relations. We systematically reviewed quantitative and qualitative studies addressing the psychosocial impact of pediatric living-donor kidney and liver transplantation in recipients, donors, and the family. In accordance with the PRISMA guidelines, we systematically searched the databases Medline, Web of Knowledge, Cinahl, Embase, ERIC, and Google Scholar. We identified 23 studies that satisfied our inclusion criteria. Recipients had improved coping skills and satisfactory peer relationships, but also reported anxiety and depressive symptoms, worried about the future, and had a negative body image. Similarly, donors experienced increased self-esteem, empowerment, and community awareness, but also complained of postoperative pain and a lack of emotional support. With respect to family impact, transplantation generated a special bond between the donor and the recipient, characterized by gratitude and admiration, but also raised new expectations concerning the recipient's lifestyle. As psychological problems in recipients were sometimes induced by feelings of guilt and indebtedness toward the donor, we recommend more research on how gift exchange dynamics function within donor-recipient relationships, enrolling donors and recipients within the same study.

  • Seem DL
  • Lee I
  • Umscheid CA
  • Kuehnert MJ
  • United States Public Health Service
Am J Transplant. 2013 Aug;13(8):1953-62 doi: 10.1111/ajt.12386.

The intent of the PHS guideline is to improve organ transplant recipient outcomes by reducing the risk of unexpected HIV, HBV and HCV transmission, while preserving the availability of high-quality organs. An evidence-based approach was used to identify the most relevant studies and reports on which to formulate the recommendations. This excerpt from the guideline comprises (1) the executive summary; (2) 12 criteria for assessment of risk factors for recent HIV, HBV and HCV infection; (3) 34 recommendations on risk assessment (screening) of living and deceased donors; testing of living and deceased donors; informed consent discussion with transplant candidates; testing of recipients pre- and posttransplant; collection and/or storage of donor and recipient specimens; and tracking and reporting of HIV, HBV and HCV; and (4) 20 recommendations for further study. For the PHS guideline in its entirety, including the background, methodology and primary evidence underlying the recommendations, refer to the source document in Public Health Reports, accessible at http://www.publichealthreports.org/issuecontents.cfm?Volume=128&Issue=4. For more in-depth information on the evidence base, including tables of all study-level data, refer to Solid Organ Transplantation and the Probability of Transmitting HIV, HBV or HCV: A Systematic Review to Support an Evidence-Based Guideline, accessible at http://stacks.cdc.gov/view/cdc/12164/.

  • The Canadian Council for Donation and Transplantation
ccdt.ca. 2006.