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  • Nederlandse Transplantatie Stichting (NTS)
The website provides guidance for patients regarding the transplantation waiting list. https://www.transplantatiestichting.nl/page/op-de-wachtlijst-en-het-coronavirus
  • American Society of Transplantation
Many transplant recipients and their families have questions regarding COVID-19. The information and questions on the web page are designed to help give answers with currently available information, as well as links to national and international websites for regularly updated information. There is also a link to access the resource in Spanish. https://www.myast.org/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-frequently-asked-questions-transplant-candidates-and-recipients
  • NHS Blood and Transplant
We appreciate this is a worrying time for people waiting for, or who have received, a transplant. The safety of organ donation and transplantation is our priority. We are working to continue organ donation where possible, to enable transplants to go ahead if appropriate. The page provides information how organ donation and transplant is affected. https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/get-involved/news/coronavirus-the-latest-updates/
  • The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand
The Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand provide the following general advice based on current evidence and we will update this advice on a regular basis. If you have a specific concern, we suggest that you contact your own specialist or hospital for advice, because local conditions and advice vary across Australia. For regular COVID-19 updates relating to transplantation, please see information on our website. https://www.tsanz.com.au/TSANZ%20FAQs%20%20Advice%20-%20COVID-19%2023%20March%202020-1.pdf
  • Nederlandse Transplantatie Stichting (NTS)